Ochro Rice Recipe
*FC: Finely Chopped
Small Ochros - 20 (Chopped)
Pigtail - 1/2 Lb
Smoked Bone - 1/2 Lb
Olive Oil - 1/4 Cup
Onion - 2 Medium FC
Pimento - 10 FC
Garlic - 5 Cloves FC
Chadon Beni - 2 Bundles FC
Thyme - 1 Sprig
Chive - 2 Bundles FC
Pumpkin - 1/2 Lb (Chopped)
Rice - 2 Cups
Coconut Milk - 1 Cup
Golden Ray Margarine - 1 Tbsp
Hot Pepper - 1
Salt - To taste
Black Pepper - To taste
Warm Water
Wash and boil pigtail for one hour. Drain and set aside.
Wash smoke bones and set aside.
In a pot over medium heat, add oil and allow to heat.
Add onion, pimento, garlic, chive, and chadon beni, mix well, cover and let cook for 2 minutes.
Add pigtail, smoke bones, ochro, pumpkin, rice and coconut milk. Mix well.
Add enough water to cover.
Add golden ray and hot pepper, cover and let cook over low to medium heat for 25 minutes.
Once rice is cooked and water reduced, remove hot pepper and taste for salt and black pepper.