Pak Choi & Tomato Omelette Recipe by Summer Telfer | Baby Foodie
Prep time – 5 mins
Cook time – 3-5 mins
Age – 6 months+
Yield – 1 Whole Omelette (6-7 strips)
1 Egg
1 tbsp Minced Pakchoi leaves
1 tbsp Diced Tomato
¼ tsp Any preferred seasonings
1 tbsp Cheese of Choice
½ tbsp Coconut Oil
1. Beat eggs in bowl and add seasonings of choice, tomatoes and minced pakchoi.
2. In a small frying pan on medium heat, heat ½ tbsp of coconut oil, place egg mixture in frying pan.
3. Using a small spatula, pull egg mixture from the sides to the center to allow egg to cook evenly. Sprinkle cheese all over the top of the omelette.
4. Lift egg slightly to ensure egg has cooked to the bottom, flip omelette in half and leave for another 30 seconds, flip to the next side for another 30 seconds.
5. Remove omelette from frying pan after about 3-5 minutes of total cooking. Allow to cool and cut omelette into strips. Let baby hold strip pieces and feed themselves, they will mostly suck on it at first!
6. For babies 9-12 months, who are experienced ‘egg eaters’ you can cut into smaller pieces so they can use their pincer grasp to pick up the egg and feed themselves.
Pakchoi: Loaded with nutrients like calcium, Vitamins A, B6, C and K which are important in a baby’s growth and development.
Tomato: Loaded with Vitamin C which makes them ideal for pairing with foods that are rich in plant-based iron.
Egg: Not only is egg an excellent source of protein but it is rich in other B vitamins and folate, as well as selenium, zinc, and iodine, plus a small amount of iron.
